Game-Changing Technology: How Angelina Lawton Revolutionized the Sports Industry


Three Years Consecutively Inc 5000 Midwest

The two 8-inch guns protruded out of the bellowing cruiser, the HMS Kent, which held the crew of the Royal Navy. The men changed out of their neat blue uniforms, switching into plain t-shirts and shorts, sweeping the floor while waving their hockey sticks in the air. This makeshift game became part of a daily ritual, played each afternoon between their preparation for the hallowing war (Photographs, “The Royal Navy During the Second World War”, Imperial War Museum Collection).

Regardless of the time period or what conflicts the world endured, sports has always prevailed as a universal unifier.

The numbers glaring across the scoreboards, ecstatic fans in a warm embrace, the blazing horns in the background. This visual encompasses what comes to mind when we think of the term, sports.

As one of the most coveted industries in the world, sports organizations have to regularly adapt to meet the growing demands of the increasingly technology-savvy fanbase. The past five years have witnessed a spike in venture capital investments in sports tech.

Technology can capture historical moments, such as the milliseconds before and after an athlete scores the championship goal. Experiential data like scoring a goal or the pompous VIP amenities are hard to describe with just words and photos.

Meanwhile, the income of a sports league, such as the New York Yankees, is dependent on three things: sponsorships, attendance, and merchandise. Sponsorships in sports teams accounted for 70% of the $15B total spent on sponsorships in 2016. However, did you know that up until the last five years, many of the biggest brands in sports were still pitching seven-figure deals within the confines of PowerPoint?

One technology has changed the whole game – revolutionizing how deals are being done in the boardrooms.

Its name: Digideck by Sportsdigita.

Grit Daily interviews Sportsdigita CEO Angelina Lawton to dive deeper into the game-changing tech taking the sports world by storm.

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